How to Make a Minimum of $50 a Day with Facebook Promotion
How to Make a Minimum of $50 a Day with Facebook Promotion Using Little or No Investment at All?
Facebook is now the world’s leading social media website with billions of user all over the world. Due to its extreme popularity, people have decided to use this social media site as a medium to promote offers. However, promoting on Facebook &Boosting the Audience of Your Facebook Ads can still cost some cash.
If you do not have some investments for promoting via Facebook & experience In setting up goals with Facebook Ads u are losing the opportunity to promote your offers. Fortunately, there is a trick to make 50 dollar a day through Facebook advertising and Cost per action (CPA) by using little or no investment at all. This article will teach you that trick.You can also Read my old post about How to apply & get approved for a CPA network .
Facebook is now the world’s leading social media website with billions of user all over the world. Due to its extreme popularity, people have decided to use this social media site as a medium to promote offers. However, promoting on Facebook &Boosting the Audience of Your Facebook Ads can still cost some cash.
If you do not have some investments for promoting via Facebook & experience In setting up goals with Facebook Ads u are losing the opportunity to promote your offers. Fortunately, there is a trick to make 50 dollar a day through Facebook advertising and Cost per action (CPA) by using little or no investment at all. This article will teach you that trick.You can also Read my old post about How to apply & get approved for a CPA network .
Note: Be very careful while promoting on Facebook. The steps mentioned below require you to take risks. Certain actions can cause your account to be terminated. Thus, you should use the steps below at your own risk.
Step 1: Make four to five Facebook accounts. Facebook allows only legitimate or true people to sign up for an account through some verification processes. However, since you will be making use of fake accounts, you need to bypass these verification processes. You can do that through the help of CCleaner. This software will help you clear your cookies as well as to skip the part where Facebook demands for your phone number.
Step 2: Make the Facebook accounts you created look more real. As a suggestion, you can create female accounts then upload ten to fifteen girly pictures on each of the account. However, you should not upload straight forward pictures since people can clearly know if a Facebook account is real or not. You can search using Google for girly pictures. You can also download these kinds of photos from torrents as well as from Facebook.
Step 3: Next, you need to add friends on each of your account. You need to have 150 to 250 friends per account. Since Facebook is very strict when it comes to adding friends, you need to follow the steps below in order to successfully add more friends.
a. Find groups and pages on Facebook that share Facebook user email list. You only need to type in “add me” or “email list” on the search box of Facebook and then search for those groups and pages. Afterwards, copy those mail lists you have found then past them on and then send friend requests to those people you have found. Another way to acquire more friends is through sending requests via your email. You just have to import the email list to the email you have used when you created the Facebook account. On the invite page, you need to import contacts from your email account to your Facebook account by allowing the process. Afterwards, you should send the email request to the people on your email list. In just under six hours, you will surely be getting request approvals.
b. You can also gain more friends by making use of friend suggestions. This trick works by having one of your friend send you some friends suggestion. If you have “real people” face book friends, then you can ask for their help to send you some friend suggestions. Fortunately, this method works as easy as it can be. However, if you do not have any Facebook account or you do not want to ask for the help of your friends, then you can invest a little bit of money to assign this job to people Fiverr is a micro job site where different gigs are being sold. There will surely be those people offering some gigs that involve you gaining friends in your Facebook account. The payment is also low so this method is also highly recommended. It can help you save time from doing the task yourself.
Step 4: Wait for the approvals of your sent friend requests. If you have successfully accomplished step 3, you should now have a minimum of 150 to 250 friends per account you have. So the total number of friends is now 1000 to 1200.
Step 5: When you promote your products using Facebook directly, you can get reported and Facebook will block your link. For that reason, you need to have a landing page. A landing page is a site where you do not directly promote your product through Facebook link. This way Facebook will not block the link you put on your pages. What happens instead is that you will be using the landing page to link to your sales page where you promote your products directly.
Step 6: (Promoting) In order to promote on Facebook, you need to tag pictures. To do that, you should first find an offer that you would like to promote. There are different affiliate network sites that you can sign up for in order to find good offers to promote. After that, search for pictures related to that offer, download it, then save them on a folder. Next, you should follow the steps given below:
a. Go to your Facebook profile, click on photos, then choose create album.
b. Upload the picture you have downloaded from step 6 into the album you just created. Name the album with the name of the offer you would like to promote. Put the same description to all of the photos you will upload if you have more than 1 photos.
c. Set the privacy to public then click on “post photos screenshot by light shot.”
d. If any pop up arises, close them down.
e. Afterwards, click on edit then start tagging your friends. In order to do that fast, type in a letter then select all of your friends on the search result. Do this for the first ten to fifteen letters of the alphabet. After that, you will have tagged all of your friends.
f. Afterwards, click done once you have finished tagging all of your friends.
h. All of the friends you have tagged will be notified.
i. Share your album to your page in order to get more public attention for your post.
After following all of these steps carefully and successfully, you will surely be able to earn 50 to 100 $ a day. Good luck!