Why Use Facebook as Your Primary Advertising Platform?
Facebook is now one of the world’s leading advertising platforms primarily due to its ability to give advertisers the chance to promote their products to the people who will most likely purchase their products. In fact, Facebook is the only advertising platform in the entire world that can specifically target audiences. If you use Facebook as an advertising platform, you will be able to extract your audience, specifically those people who will most likely become your leads. For that reason, Facebook is an even better advertising platform than the television, radio, or prints.
In today’s word, Facebook is the number 1 most trafficked website. In terms of search results, 3 percent of the entire search terms in the entire world are Facebook related. In fact, Facebook has over 1 billion users, which according to studies, will still continuously increase. Due to that enormous amount of users, there is no doubt that you will be able to find the people who are the best fit to be your target audiences. Moreover, due to the diversity of users, your chances of finding your leads will definitely increase.
Facebook is also a great platform to advertise due to the ways of advertising. When you use Facebook, you can pretty much see Facebook advertisements everywhere- on your news feeds, profile, and on any page you visit. For example, the image below shows the news feed page containing advertisements. As you can see, the ads are placed nicely on the page and will not destroy its appearance. Furthermore, it can easily be seen by people using it.
Since Facebook has become a successful trading platform, its developers decided to improve its ways in selling its stocks to the general public. In other words, its initial public offering or IPO was improved. As a result, its ways to generate revenue was also improved. What happens is that the developers made Facebook better advertising platforms for advertisers in such a way that they will be able to generate leads in a much easier and faster way. However, the advertisers are not the only ones who benefit from this since Facebook will also be able to generate more income for them.
Lastly, Facebook is the world’s most targeted advertising platform wherein advertisers are able to advertise their products to the people who will most likely become interested to them. Since Facebook users provide information about themselves, these details are used by Facebook to know what kinds of ads will be best for them.
When you use Facebook, you give them information about you like your age, gender, location, working experiences, education, hobbies, interests, likes, your friends, and more. This information will then be used by Facebook to know what kinds of ads should be displayed to your pages. So for example, if your product’s target audience are college students, then you can use the people’s current education status to target those people who are only at college level.