How to Get Facebook Fake Likes for Free

There are many websites where you can get likes, followers by giving them token. Yes token. You just need to go to these websites and generate token and then copy the token in a box, then pasting in the required place and click on submit.Now you may get 200-300+ likes in 10 minutes or less than 10 minutes on Facebook page, post, DP etc but different sites have different criteria.

So, the sites giving likes by token are as follows:
Hublaa. me, hubliker. com, djliker. com,mg-
likers. com, machenliker .com, likepawo .ml, fb-
autolikes .com, official-liker .net, fbliker.
ml,fbliker .in, foxliker .net, likepana .com
Well these are just a few sites, I have list of
2-300 which I’ll share later in my future posts.
So, the METHOD :

Now how to get likes? First of all go to any site
mentioned above. Just for example take Hublaa.
me. Go to website’s mid and locate a option
naming Step 1, Asking you for permissions. Click
on it. They will ask you for certain permissions
like posting on your wall, allowing the app to
post for you on Facebook. You just need to
approve them all to function it properly. Actually
Facebook takes these steps to secure the
accounts and any bot may not spam in
Facebook.After all allowances (2-3) then you will
see token in link (URL) Bar or Address Bar.
may look like this:
The token shared above is not yours. It is just
shared to guide you.
Now you have to copy link from CAA to klu
Means before &expires_in=0
Example :
Or the simple process in some sites is that the
URL which you obtain fro the address bar, just
paste that in the token bar of the site and you’re
done and complete the other steps.
Now you have to paste this on token bar of
website. Open hublaa. me > Homepage
> Scroll down you will see a token box > Paste
token in it and Click on submit
Thats it! Now you’ve logged in so now you’ll get
different options from which you can get twitter
followers, FB likes, followers etc or whatever in
the site.

Note:: Before generating token, Change your post
privacy to public. If you want to get likes on
post. It is very important to change privacy to
public,Otherwise you will not get likes. and may
accuse us for wrong info
If you feel hard to get likes on hublaa

There are also many other sites.
Which are mentioned above also and here again:
Hublaa. me, hubliker. com, djliker. com,mg-
likers. com, machenliker .com, likepawo .ml, fb-
autolikes .com, official-liker .net, fbliker.
ml,fbliker .in, foxliker .net, likepana .com