TOp 10 SMO Website List Of High PR

TOP 10 SMO sites LIST

Smo stands for social media optimization and sites used for smo are known as smo sites . Here in this post I will give you free and top 10 smo sites list for 2015 . I gave review of best and top 10 social media sites for best optimization. These sites are free and you don't need to pay for using it.

30 smo sites 2015

1. : the best social media optimization site with millions of active users. You can get high quality traffic and no follow backlinks from Facebook.

2: Twitter - the best social media site for professionals , you can share your messages publicly with 140 character limit . Its a good way of getting pr 10 backlink .

3. Digg : its a social bookmarking site and currently very popular in social media optimization field.

4.Stumble - it is the best collection of cool websites and hence it is best social bookmarking website for new users.

5 . LinkedIn - its a social network for corporate world and job seekers.

6. - its a website traffic exchange site. It offer a points system in which we get points on seeing other's website and redeem points when other visit our site .

7. Reddit - its another good smo site but as not good as StumbleUpon . But for traffic purpose it is good choice.

8. Hubpages - gives traffic along with backlinks to your site .

9. Ycombinator: good for getting backlinks .

10: YouTube - create some viral and attractive videos and give a link to your website and get high PageRank backlinks with descent traffic . 
