Preparing & Promoting Cornerstone Content For Site Ranking
One of the major things that we are trying to make our clients, readers and visitors to understand is regarding the “website ranking and indexing against different keywords”. Mostly, we are asked the question that “how my website can be ranked in the Google or to other search engines”. Now, the answer is that websites don’t get ranked. Yes, you have heard it quite perfectly that websites don’t get ranked or indexed. It is the pages that get ranked or indexed. If you wish to rank any keyword – you have to understand that which would be that specific page that should be ranked or indexed against it.
What most of the people do is that they try to induct keyword in each and every page or to its titles – it isn’t going to help you in any case. Neither writing too many content or the articles to the same keyword would help you. It is better to keep a page with simple and good content by sticking to a single central idea about the topic. This is the basic idea behind the pages to get them ranked and indexed at good positions on search engines including Google.
Positioning The New Cornerstone Content By Your Site:
Say, that you have written quite an interesting content explaining all the details and information regarding the topic. The question that does really matter is where that content should be exactly placed. As per the expert opinion, it is better to have a separate page for the content that you think is important within the sites structure. However, not every post should be given new page but make sure that it would be available to online visitors within a couple of clicks or through simple navigation.
So, there’s no need to worry if you have to create a separate page for the important content. Make sure, you do it quite perfectly because this is the page that you think would bring a lot of traffic and clicks to your entire site so be careful and focus wisely. At the same time, the content should be qualitative and give such stories that people would buy.
Creating The Internal Links:
Once you have successfully created the cornerstone page – this is the action time! That means to create internal links for the content. You can easily do it by simply figuring out about the pages the Google think are relevant to your given / targeted keyword. Do it by simply searching. For example, if I wanted to find the most known pages for the keyword “website review” in then I would be searching:
Probably, you won’t find much of the pages within your website. So, get into each page and try adding link pointing towards your cornerstone content. It would be great if you can add the keyword in anchor text for linking purposes. However, it is very important to link within the content. It won’t be done by simply adding sidebar or footer links.
Afterwards, whenever you write about any topic and some relevant content comes up as described in your cornerstone article – simply link it.
Promoting The Cornerstone Content:
If you have followed the above given instruction in righteous manner then it’s the time to finally nail it. Promoting the content is quite a task and no easy deal at all. Try to search those people who have written somewhat similar content on the topic as you and show them your efforts. It might be welcomed by them and their visitors would definitely pay a visit to it. You should also offer them to come up with some guest posts about the same topic with the intent of adding more information to it. Don’t forget to link back the guest post as well to your cornerstone content.