Let’s Get Started With Site Google Friendly Site Structure
Google Friendly Site Structure
Google mostly get the clues of finding your website from its database because of the site structure that you have given to your webpage. Undoubtedly, a good structured website will surely get a good ranking at search engines as well. The site structure basically makes the search engines understand about your website and the services that are being provided by your webpage. Furthermore, it helps the search engines to find and index the content that is relevant to the purpose of your website and the intent as well. This guide is completely related to make the online developers realize about the significance of site structure and to update you with practical tips in order to set up / update your website.
Creating The Pyramid:
Keep in mind that you can only use the quality content of your website in the righteous and fruitful manner provided that you have given your website a good structure. Furthermore, site structure is also held responsible for the link juice to other webpages on your website.
As far as the development of site structure or the up-gradation of the existing site structure is concerned, people have been seen quite confused. Well, there’s no rocket science involved in it provided that you do follow the given steps in righteous manner. For the creation of site structure, you can take the help of different softwares like VISIO or EXCEL. In SEO section, we have helped you to create the structure – now all you have to do is to insert the pages and other sections of your website in the structure in form of a tree. Hopefully, you’ll come with a tree like the one shown below:
Analyzing The Pyramid:
The ideal site structure should be like the pyramid from ancient Egyptian times. While working on the development of site structure, make sure that it stays balanced. Always put the HOMEPAGE of your website at the top of the pyramid with navigation buttons allowing online visitors to roam around other pages of second level. Make sure to incorporate the navigation buttons in the pages of second level as well so that online visitors can jump at the pages of third level. Keep this cycle running till the users get access to each and every page of your website. I would like to suggest you to have 2-5 main sections of your website depending upon the content and information on it.
Balanced & Equal Sections:
You are given full-fledge rights to create subsections beneath the main sections of your website. However, it is very important for you to keep in mind that all the sections must remain equally large and balanced. If, for some reason, sections are too large then you can divide them into two parts. The general rule that can be applied to ensure the equality of all the sections is that don’t make any section twice the large as any other section.
As you can see in the given pyramid that the “CODE” section constitutes more than the half of whole website area thus making it an unbalanced site structure:
Reflection Of Structure Should Be The Content:
While making the site structure, ensure that it does reflect the content. It would be better to arrange similar things together in a group while the different things should be rearranged in different sections.
As shown below – the sections “ABOUT”, “PROJECTS”, & “SITES” are somewhat similar in nature but are structured separately. These pages shouldn’t be treated differently but into the same section.
The pages that you think are mostly responsible for the traffic should be given prominent place at website. You can check through your internal setup and plugins for such pages that are driving much of the online traffic towards your website. These pages should be given high place and prominent visibility in the site structure.
Designing New Site Structure:
Once you have analyzed different faults and problems in the site structure, it would be easier for you to rearrange sections accordingly. It will certainly help you create / update an improved version of the site structure. However, fact of the matter remains same that the pyramid should be equally balanced and popular pages should be given higher place.
Here’s a view of a refined, furnished, balanced and stable site structure shown below:
Naming The Sections:
Once the site structure is finalized, now is the time of naming all the sections within the structure. If you have got good content for each of the section then you don’t need to be worried because it will surely attract the online users towards your webpage. That’s why, you are suggested to name the sections in accordance with the keywords as it would be easier for the search engines to pop your website having sections with same keywords. Make a wise decision and select the most appropriate names for the sections & even subsections of your website. Once it is done creatively – you are half way done!
How To Name Sections:
Now here’s the example of selecting short and clean names for the sections.
Say that you have written something about the WordPress Plugins and now you want to name the sections. You shouldn’t name it with the word “WordPress” only as there’s dozen of content already available at the top of search engines. It would be difficult for you to compete here. The creative thing is to name the section like “WordPress Plugin” – you need to get into the mind of audience. Obviously, people looking for plugins will type “WORDPRESS PLUGINS” in the search engines. Brighter are the chances that your page will rank at top of search engines.
The picture shown below will give you a sensible idea of allocating the names to different sections & subsections:
Internal Link Structure:
Now, you are finished with the creation of a balanced pyramid and naming the sections accordingly – this is the time to ahead towards next step. This step is basically the interlinking of different sections with each other. It is very vital to keep intact all the sections with each other. Each page which rests at the top should be linked with all the subsections and subpages of the pyramid.
Here’s the example:
Creating URLs For The Site Structure:
After the implementation of site structure, this is the time for creating URLS of it. Each page has to be identified with a separate URL which describes the content of it. You can also induct the keywords in URL for better ranking.
Following are some of the important key points and guidelines that you have to keep in mind while creating and implementing the URLs.
- If you intent to use multiple words – make sure to separate the both with hyphen.
- If you are thinking to use MIXED CASE URLs then never think of it ever again. Linus & Unix servers are case sensitive. Did you ever see any link like “ /L0oKs/LikE/tHiS/”?
- Same goes with the usage of numbers. It might work for you but people won’t remember about the specific numbers allocated to specific pages.
- Try to make URLs predictable and guessable. The easier the URLs – brighter are the chances that people will remember it.
- Don’t forget to redirect all the old pages to their latest equivalents using the 301 redirects. 301 is basically a definite redirect which makes the search to move all links from old to news ones. For example, http://xyz.com will be redirected by 301 to http://xyz.com or vice versa.
- Ensure that the content will be visible to online visitors under single URL only. All the main-stream browsers do support the print style-sheets so there’s no other reason left behind to implement the style-sheet on different page.